This is Apogee's followup to Wolfenstine 3d. Originally released December 5, 1993 one week before the more graphically impressive doom. While doom continued the basic run and shoot action of id last game Blake added new action elements to the concept some woul not be seen until quake and counter strike came out. One new game play element is the informants scattered across the levels these were randomly placed actors who insted of shooting at you gave you hints and items including an ammo clip and cedits for the vending units on the walls. also some guards would play dead before you killed them. other elements included being able to backtrack levels. some elements also appeared in doom like telepoting and automapping. the graphics are the same level of resulation as wolf3d so the game is not graphically impressive but it is still worth a play for any fps fan being made for a 486 makes it an excellent laptop game. the Free first episode can be downloaded here The full game can be purchased from this site. You can laso buy it direct from apogee sold as version 3.0 sells 2.10 R the only diffrence is an updated buy this section due to an price drop and a graphics error leaving the shareware ad in the corner of the menus. Both are stable final versions.
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